The Big Tidy Up unites neighbourhoods.
By bridging the gap between generations and cultures, it enables people to come together to transform their public spaces. The simple act of picking up litter as a group can act as a catalyst for huge change.
Since 2008, The Big Tidy Up has mobilised more than half a million people in more than 25,000 groups to collect nearly 120,000 bags of rubbish.
In many cases, these community clean-ups have been just the start - inspiring people to make real and lasting changes in their neighbourhoods and to come together to work on other initiatives to improve their local environment.
But this is just the beginning. We want everyone to show they Love Where They Live by getting out on to England’s streets and public spaces. Organising a tidy up is made easier thanks to our Big Tidy Up kits, which include full instructions on what you need to do and how you need to do it. We'll even advise you on stuff like how to get insurance, the best way to get publicity for your event and how to raise funds.