Safeguarding at Elm Tree

At Elm Tree, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Through effective safeguarding, we are also embedding our school vision by working together to give all children a place to thrive. Please refer to this page should you have any questions regarding safeguarding at Elm Tree. 

Our Designated Safeguarding and Prevent Lead is:

Our backup Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Our Safeguarding Governor is:

  • Dianne Hodgson (Chair of Governors)

Our Family Support Worker and Early Help Lead is:

Our Senior Mental Health Leads are:

Please do not hesitate to contact any of the safeguarding leads listed above should you want to discuss or report a concern. We will be happy to help. Further information will follow below regarding Elm Tree's Family Support Network and the role of our inhouse, family support worker. 


Policies and Other Guidance

 Elm Tree Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-2024

 Keeping Children Safe In Education - September 2023

 Keeping Children Safe In Education - Part 1: Information for all school staff - September 2023

 Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023

 What to do if you are worried a child is being abused

 Guidance for safer working practice - Addendum April 2020

 Working well with Children and Families in Lancashire

 Working together to improve school attendance - September 2022

 Children Missing Education 2016

 Home Office - Criminal Exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: County Lines Guidance

 Prevent duty guidance

 PACE Code C 2019

 OFSTED Review of SA in school's and colleges - June 2021

 Whistleblowing Policy

 Online Safety Policy

 Elm Tree Community Primary School's User Friendly Safeguarding Booklet

 Elm Tree Community Primary School - Designated Safeguarding Lead - Job Description

*Please note that the Low-Level Concerns and Safer Recruitment Policy can be found within the Whole School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. 


Elm Tree's Family Support Network

The Family Support Team at Elm Tree is made up of main contact Dawn Hughes (Early Help Lead and Family Support Worker) and overseen by Harry Cartwright (Designated Safeguarding Lead).

However big or small, we believe that school plays a vital role in ensuring that the wellbeing of our families is monitored and upheld at all times. Elm Tree's Family Support Network is here to provide support whenever you feel you need it. Whether this is to assess need and look extensively at what services may support you and your family, or you simply just want someone to talk to, we are here to help. 

At Elm Tree, we pride ourselves on working proactively with our families to ensure that any low level concerns are tackled right away, to prevent matters from escalating. Over the course of your child's time at Elm Tree, you may receive a call from us. We urge parents and carers not to worry when receiving a call, as our ultimate goal is to work with you in order to achieve the best outcomes in a supportive and compassionate manner. 

Listed below are areas in which the Family Support Network may be helpful for you and your family:

  • Feeling Safe
  • Home and Money
  • Friends, Relationship and Support
  • Work, Education and Learning
  • Feelings, Behaviours, Boundaries and Choices
  • Attendance
  • Early Help Assessments
  • Graded Care Profile 2
  • Online SafetyLancashire Hub
  • Local Support Sessions (Behaviour Management, Trauma Informed Approaches, Parenting Support)
  • Support when trying to access to other services i.e. healthcare, counselling, CAMHS

We are now working closely with Lancashire's Family Hub Network to help bridge support for families across the county. This is a great opportunity to develop our in-house early help offer, providing further support for families outside of the local West Lancashire district. We are also pleased to be working with other schools and services within the community and develop early help services across Lancashire.

 Lancashire Family Hubs - Information Sheet

Click here to access Lancashire's Family Hub Network website. 

The main contact for the Family Support Network is Dawn Hughes, contactable via You may also choose to phone the school office on 01695 50924 and reception will transfer you through to the team.



Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has experienced or witnessed a domestic incident.

Operation Encompass will ensure that a member of the school staff known as a Key Adult (DSL) is trained to allow them to liaise with the police and to use the information that has been shared, in confidence, and ensure that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by the children or family involved. Please note that our DSL / Key Adult is Mr Harry Cartwright. 

Please follow the link here to access the Operation Encompass website for further information. 


Other Useful Contacts and Links


If you are in immediate danger and need help straight away, always phone 999.