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If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please contact the school office via or by telephone on 01695 50924 and we will be happy to provide these free of charge. 

Children and Safeguarding

 Elm Tree Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-2024

 Keeping Children Safe In Education - September 2023

 Keeping Children Safe In Education - Part 1: Information for all school staff - September 2023

 Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023

 What to do if you are worried a child is being abused

 Allegations of abuse against staff Policy

 Guidance for safer working practice - Addendum April 2020

 Whistleblowing Policy

 Behaviour Policy

 The Use of Positive Handling & Restrictive Physical Intervention (Policy) 

 Behaviour Principles and School Exclusion Policy

 Behaviour in schools - Advice for headteachers and school staff (September 2022)

 Anti Bullying Policy

 Care and Control

 Home Visit Policy

 Attendance Policy

 Online Safety Policy

 Netsweeper Policy 

 First Aid Policy

 School Medical Care Policy

 External Visitors Policy

 Intimate Care Plan Policy

 Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School (Policy)

*Please note that the Low-Level Concerns and Safer Recruitment Policy can be found within the Whole School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. 

Therapy Report

  Therapy Impact Statement


Transport Policy

 Transport Policy


Admissions / SEND

 Special Educational Needs & Admissions Policy

 Local Offer

 Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions in Special Schools


Data Protection & GDPR Policies

 Data Protection Policy

 GDPR Privacy Notice for School Workforce

 GDPR Privacy Notice for Pupils

 Freedom of Information


Equality Policy and Procedures

 Equality Policy and Procedures



 School Complaints Procedure

 School Complaints Form

 School Complaints Flowchart


Disciplinary and Capability Procedure

 Capability Procedure for Teachers

 Capability Procedure for Support Staff

 Disciplinary Procedure for Teachers

 Disciplinary Procedure for Support Staff

 Grievance Policy for Teachers

 Grievance Policy for Support Staff

 Staff Handbook



 Curriculum Policy

 Monitoring and Evaluation Policy

 Marking and Feedback Policy

 Remote Learning Policy

 Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

 RSE Policy


Health & Safety

 Health & Safety Policy


COVID-19 Information

 COVID-19 Risk Assessment

 COVID-19 Home Testing Programme Risk Assessment 

 Preparing for September full opening

 Return to School Arrangements

 Ventilation Checklist



 Charging and Remissions Policy

 Lettings Policy

 Internal Financial Regulations

 Debt Management Policy

 Control of Assets (including Disposal of Assets Policy)

 Pay Policy

 School Lunch Money Policy

 Scheme for Paying Governor's Allowances (Policy)



 Therapy Dog Policy

 Accessibility Plan

 Promoting British Values

 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Values Policy

 Cultural Capitals Policy

 Short Term Sickness Absence Procedure

 Holiday Clubs Policy

 Flexible Working Requests Policy

 Flexible Working Request Form