Blink Mag / Mental Health Issue
Please follow this link to view the Blink Mag Mental Health Issue!
Open Day for Teachers
On Thursday 11th July, we are holding an Open Day for prospective teachers looking to join the Elm Tree team!
Alan and Everton in the Community
As part of Everton in the Community, our bus driver Alan made the life changing trip to Kenya during the Easter Holidays.
FIND out about SEND
Lancashire Information, Advice and Support Team are currently offering free courses for parents / carers that have children with special educational needs.
May Half Term
School will be closing at 3pm on Friday 24th May. We will be open as normal on Monday 3rd June.
INSET Days and May Day Bank Holiday
School will be closed on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd May for staff INSET. We will also be closed on Monday 6th May for May Day Bank Holiday. School will be open as normal on Tuesday 7th May.
Easter Holidays 2019
We will be breaking up for the Easter holidays on Friday 5th April at 1pm. School will open as normal on Tuesday 23rd April.
Easter Community Day 2019
We would like to invite you to our Easter Community Day to be held on Thursday 4th April.
What Parents Need to Know about 'MOMO Challenge'
Please see guide attached for information on Momo and how to prevent your child/children from being affected
World Book Day 7th March 2019!
World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March this year! As usual, we will be dressing up as characters from our favourite books. We kindly ask for a £1 donation to go towards Book Aid International.